Conservative Jesse Kelly Shreds Kamala Harris’, Says She Started Career As ‘Willie Brown’s Bratwurst Bun’

Kamala Harris’ infamous past is coming back to bite her and her fans are none too pleased with it.

Political commentator Jesse Kelly appeared on the Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Thursday and laced into Harris with a hilarious comment that caught a ton of attention.

Host Tucker Carlson showed a clip of Harris saying, “We are united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of compassion, dignity and respect.”

But, Carlson cited a report that said many in Harris’ office do not believe they are getting the respect that they deserve.

“One staffer in her office ‘had a sense of paranoia that you never knew when she was going to snap at you,’” he said, mentioning that one employee said they were “so stressed out they were making themselves sick.”

The host asked Kelly if he was shocked to hear that Harris may be “the worst boss in Washington and nasty to the people who work for her?”

“It’s the most predicable thing in the world. Everyone watching you right now has worked for, or worked with somebody who just has ambition just dripping off of their pores and that is Kamala Harris,” he said. “Those types of people will do anything to get ahead, they treat their bosses like a crap, they treat their employees like crap.”

“That is why she knifed Joe Biden in the debate with all the race nonsense, there was no reason to do that,” he said. “It’s the same reason she cackles like a dead hyena anytime she is asked an uncomfortable question. It’s the same reason she started her political year as Willie Brown’s bratwurst bun. Kamala Harris will do anything to get ahead.”

When will this constant attack on women stop?” asked one furious Twitter user.

He should ask Sarah Palin, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Laruen Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Sarah Sanders that question.

“They’re just intimidated by a strong woman…. they’re intimidated by all strong women…,” another said.

And then there was Washington Post reporter Jeremy Barr who said that Tomi Lahren apologized for making a similar comment.

“For some history: Tomi Lahren issued an apology for this tweet back in August 2019,” he said.

And Kelly had an answer for him and the rest of the rage mob.

“This might be my favorite part of all the commie outrage about my Tucker hit last night. These people have legit lived in a world where their outrage gets an apology for far too long. I’ll NEVER apologize to you. Ever. Screw you. Welcome to The New Right,” he said.

As the interview went on Carlson said that he could sense that Harris was frightened often.

“False people are always afraid because they are terrified you will find out who they really are,” the host said. “People who don’t know how to pronounce their own first names or people who grew up in Canada and pretend they didn’t. She always seems like she’s terrified of being exposed.”

“Kamala Harris is always painted us this far left winger, if she thought her political ambitions would do better on the right, Kamala Harris would be to the right of Barry Goldwater tomorrow,” Kelly said. “She believes in absolutely nothing except Kamala Harris.”

“She was throwing people in prison all day long in California as this absolute ball-busting cop, throwing people in jail for anything she could possibly think of and now she goes to the Senate, she’s the most left-wing senator,” he said. “This woman doesn’t believe in anything except for achieving the next thing.”