Putin’s heart stopped! It’s official

This is reported by the Russian mass media. Putin’s heart stopped

Russian journalists close to Putin’s entourage said that, Moscow time, members of Putin’s security service were on duty at his residence. Later, they suddenly heard a noise and the sounds of a fall coming from the bedroom of the president of the aggressor country.

Two security officers immediately went to the president’s bedroom and found Putin lying on the floor next to the bed and an overturned table of food and drinks. Apparently, during the fall, the president caught and dropped the table and dishes on the floor, which caused an uproar, media representatives noted.

According to their data, Putin «bent convulsively, lying on the floor, rolling his eyes.» That is why the security service immediately called the medics who were in one of the neighboring rooms of the residence.

«Doctors performed resuscitation, having previously found out that the president had a cardiac arrest. Help was provided on time, the heart was started and Putin came to his senses,» the media said.

According to representatives of the Telegram channel, Putin has currently been moved to a specially equipped room in his residence, where the necessary medical equipment for resuscitation has already been installed. According to them, in fact, this is an intensive care unit, equipped with the latest equipment, and now the president of the aggressor country is under the supervision of doctors.

They are already looking for a replacement for Putin


Journalists also said that the case of Putin’s cardiac arrest seriously alarmed the president’s closest entourage. In the end, the doctors already warned that the president of the aggressor country «is very bad and will hardly live until the end of autumn.»

At the same time, after the evening incident was reported, several people close to Putin contacted each other by phone and agreed to hold consultations on October 23 about possible actions should the Russian president die in the coming days.

Finally, the publication noted that recently all official meetings and events are conducted by Vladimir Putin’s double.

The President of Russia has health problems

Serhiy Zhirnov, an ex-employee of the KGB and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, said that Putin’s tour from Beijing to Kyrgyzstan does not actually indicate the stormy activities of the president of the aggressor country. Instead, it speaks to his significant health problems.

In particular, after his tour, Putin stopped in Perm, Rostov-on-Don and only then went to Sochi to his residence. Zhirnov said that probably «Putin’s health is failing» and does not allow him to stay in the air for a long time.

The expert also noted that the real Putin, and not his double, probably flew to Beijing. That is why we had to make so many stops.